About this page
This is the tekst tekt
This page was created as a tribute to fantastic small italian coupe, first built almost 40 years ago...
Editorial crew
Aichi Švarc, Slovenia
Credits go to:
Dejan Grabner, DG Tuning, Ravne, Slovenija and his firends and their magic hands.
Thx also to Grabner sr., Zoiss, Račnik and many others who helped to rebuild "red bird". Thx also to all other for moral support.
Thx also to Vlado, Janez, Marko, former owners of my late Alfas.
And special thanks to my dad, for support and understanding (and overparked place in front of our house).
Page established in 1995 and rebuilt in 2002 and again in 2013.
All content is coyprighted by their respectable owners and it's in no meant for comercial use.